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Song of animal liberation

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Slovenian version

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Slovenian lyrics English lyrics
Nočemo več mučenja živali
ali uničenja našega sveta!
Nočemo več novih bolezni,
ki po svetu bi širile se!
Dajmo na stran svoje razlike
in se združimo!
Da mučenje živali bo stvar preteklosti!

S skupnimi močmi bomo
naredili boljši svet za vse!
V boju proti nepravici ne bomo odnehali!
We don’t want animal abuse
or destruction of our world!
We don’t want new diseases
that would spread around the world!
Let’s put our differences aside
and let us unite!
So animal abuse will be a thing of the past!

Together we will
make world a better place for all!
We’ll never give up the fight against injustice!